Ways to Save For Your Dream Vaca

Being in your 20s is definitely the struggle decade. From worrying about rent, to student loans, and other expenses, money can be very tight. I have listed a few methods below ithat I like to use to save for my travels.

 1. 20%

The 20% method means you will take 20% from each check you receive and put it aside or into your savings account. So say for instance your check is $850. 20% of $850 is $170 and what it would look like in equation form is $850 x .2= $170. I like this method because it's flexible and great if your income fluctuates. 

2. $40

The $40 method is a bit more solid. Whether your check is $160 or $1,060, you will still be taking out $40 each check.

3. 52 weeks 

This last method is the 52 weeks method. I think this method is really cool. The way this method works is described in the chart below.

You can start off by doing one method, you can mix and match your methods, or you can even attempt to do all three. I guarantee that trying any of these methods is a sure way to start off saving and ultimately lead you to your dream vacation!