5 Ways to Survive Your Family Vacation

Family vacations are supposed to be a fun drama free occasion right? Well... Sorta. I'm super family oriented and I love my family to death, but you know like I know (especially when dealing with large groups of people) there are a lot of opinions you have to take into account. This can make things a hectic when vacationing. I've come up with 5 tips that I believe are essential to having a smooth, fun, family vacation.

1. Planning:

Planning is crucial! It makes life a lot easier when everyone communicates and is on the same page. Planning creates less confusion and the ability to optimize the time you have. Who wants to spend time arguing about what excursion should be done or where dinner should be? Planning, in all cases, allows you to utilize your time wisely.

2. Patience:

Patience is key is true for all situations, and this one is no exception. Patience in a moment of frustration can spare feelings and unnecessary arguments. It is a great help in making things run smoothly.

3. Optimism:

It's so easy to see the glass as half empty but I assure you that that mind set will hold you back from truly enjoying your family vaca. So glass half full people!

4. Adventure:

What’s a vacation without adventure?! Adventure, in my eyes, can be something as small as you and your family walking through the town you are visiting or eating at a local restaurant. Or, it can be as big as hiking through the Grand Canyon or touring the rain forest of Puerto Rico. It’s priceless to experience these moments with your loved ones. These are memories you'll have to share with each other forever and they tend to be the highlights of the trip.

5. Alcohol:

Alcohol, lots and lots of alcohol lol. By no means am I supporting alcoholism or drinking irresponsibly when I say alcohol. What I'm saying is, if you're of legal drinking age, a glass of wine never hurt anybody. It can help take the edge off in a moment you feel yourself about to snap. But for the record, this last tip is more so for humor than actual advice. Family vacationing would go smoothly if you execute the 1st 4 tips correctly.