How Taking a Solo Trip In Your 20s Can Change Your Life!
/Sza said it best!
“Good luck on them 20 somethings
But God bless these 20 somethings
Hopin' my 20 somethings won't end
Hopin' to keep the rest of my friends
Prayin' the 20 somethings don't kill me, kill me".
Your 20s is when shit gets real af! It’s when you’re immersed into adulthood. From the struggle of getting acclimated to paying your own bills, to living on your own, starting a career, or potentially starting a family. 20s are difficult! And the blessing and the curse is that all of your peers are experiencing the same thing. So, on one hand you can take comfort in knowing that you’re not alone. But on the other, you’re dealing with individuals that are just as confused as you are. On the contrary, your 20s aren't all bad. 20s bring on a lot of growth. Your 20s is when you have a lot of self-discovery. Your 20s is really when you begin to form into the person you wish to be.
Now, let me tell you why a solo trip in your 20s is life changing. With all the trials and tribulations that your 20s might bring, a solo trip could be just what you need to balance things out. It will definitely cause you to grow in one way or another, and it could give you the inspiration you've been looking for. I went on my first solo trip to Thailand for my 25th birthday. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better destination! The trip came at a point in my life where I needed something different. I was there for about 2 weeks and traveled to three different cities with each offering something unique and beautiful (stay tuned, I will have a post about Thailand coming soon!). I also did a partial solo trip to Amsterdam where I was there for few days alone and then my best friend joined me for the last few days I Amsterdam. My most recent solo trip was to Bali 😍 Bali is Where The Magic Is At. I have to say that out of all the places that I’ve traveled to, Thailand, Amsterdam, and Bali are extremely high on my list of favorite trips. I might even consider them my top 3. I feel like a big part of that stems from the fact that they are the trips that I probably learned the most from. I gained a sense of independence and self-discovery while traveling alone.
It is no secret that travel enhances your life. It’s the only thing you can spend money on that makes you richer. A solo trip is a life changing experience, and I’m not only recommending solo trips for 20 somethings. I believe it’s really important for everyone, no matter what age, to experience at least one solo trip in their life time. We are all humans and we are all constantly growing and changing so a solo trip is truly beneficial at any stage and point in life. But if you are a 20 something, a solo trip can help you get through some of the most challenging, confusing, beautiful, exciting time frames of your life!