Top 10 Things I Did This Summer

1. Caribana

Caribana is the biggest one day carnival in North America. The Toronto carnival brings together people of all cultures to celebrate the Caribbean culture through food, music, costume, and dance. This was my first time "playing mas" (dressing up in a costume) and it was one of the most incredible experiences I had this summer! Coming from Jamaican and Cuban descent, it allowed me to fully indulge in my culture. Caribana weekend is truly a weekend of nonstop partying. From waking up early to get on the parkway for the parade, to partying throughout the day, to night partying, and starting all over again the next day. The bags under my eyes were truly designer after that weekend. 

2. Started Memories Meals and Miles

A wise man once said "the only thing to fear is fear itself." This summer I finally got the cajonas to create this blog and what a fulfilling experience it has been! I put my fears aside and rose to the challenge. This is probably one of my biggest accomplishments for the summer. 

3. Pinknic 

I'm a bubbly kind of girl 🍾 and one of my favorite colors is pink 💁🏽💗 so this rosé wine picnic and music festival in NYC was definitely for me! The premise of this event is for everybody to dress in pink, while having a picnic, listening to great music, and drinking rosé. You can order from a variety of rosé wines by the glass ranging from $8-$12 or by the bottle ranging from $30-$60. Chandon being the cheapest and Moët the most expensive. VIP tickets were about $85. Of course there can't be a picnic without food, so make sure you pack a nice little lunch to enjoy while there. I highly recommend this event as a great summer kick off if they plan to make it an annual thing.

4. Family Vaca

It's rare that my entire family can make it on one vacation (I have a humongous family lol) but this family vacation was the closest thing to it. We feuded, we butted heads, you know...  things that normal families do. But, at the end of the day, we enjoyed ourselves, we love each other, and we made the most of our trip. I believe that this vacation was just what we all needed and it definitely brought us closer. My family means the world to me and anything that's going to bring us closer and make us stronger is A-OK with me. 

5. Made in America Festival

Everyone should experience a music festival at least once in their life. I would absolutely recommend starting with the Made in America Festival. I had such an incredible weekend! I saw several of my favorite music artists, trying different foods was pretty fun, and mixing and mingling with people was great. I would definitely do it all over again in a heartbeat and encourage you to go next year. Two day passes for the weekend were about $230 for me. The key is to buy them early.   

6. Opened Myself Up To Dating Again

Dating was never my thing. I've always been content with finding that one person and "spending the rest of my life" with them lol. So I guess you can call me somewhat of a "serial monogamous". Dating became a super struggle after my boyfriend passed almost 5 years ago, so the one thing I was never fond of to begin with became almost an unbearable task. The thought of moving on was terrifying. I believe everyone comes into your life for a reason, and I knew that one of the reasons he came into my life was to show me that even after heartbreak it is possible to find love again. There were guys that I was interested in here and there but nobody that I took seriously. There was even one or two gems that would have made for extraordinary boyfriends but my heart just wasn't ready. I prayed endlessly to come out of my funk and learned that nothing comes before it's time. This summer I came across such a life-changing quote.

And just like that something clicked. It was exactly what I needed in that moment. In healing from my depression, leaving my comfort zone, accepting the unchangeable past, and turning over a new leaf, it was only right that my final step would be to open myself back up to the idea of finding love again. My happiness and being the best version of myself meant a lot to him so I know that he is smiling down extremely proud of me. 

 7. Wynwood Walls

As an art lover, more specifically a street art lover, Wynwood Walls was like walking into art heaven. This art district has nearly 10 blocks of street art. From the likes of Shepard Fairey to Swoon, it's truly a sight to see and a place you should stop by if you're ever in Miami. 

8. Stepped Out Of My Comfort Zone

We all know that a comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there. This summer I decided to take that quote to heart (being the quote lover that I am lol). My comfort zone is totally my best friend but I want to learn, grow, and experience new things; and of course I'm gonna have to leave my bestie behind in order to do so. There's nothing better than acknowledging your short comings and working towards becoming the best you that you can be. 

 9. Hennypalooza

Do you love Hennessey? Are you down for a good turn up? Well then, Hennypalooza is right for you! This party moves throughout several cities such as New York City, Philadelphia, and DC just to name a few. I attended the Hennypalooza in Philadelphia. Tickets range between $50 and $60. Admission and a Hennessy open bar are included in the price. The bar usually gets crazy so my recommendation is to grab as many drinks as your hands can hold so you don't have to go back and forth. Once you tackle getting your drinks, find a nice little spot and turn up! If this party hits your city, be sure to attend!

10. Mended Relationships That Mean A Lot To Me

As I get older, I've come to realize that being petty and grudge holding are terrible characteristics to have. It's childish behavior and not becoming of the person I want to be. I was put in a few situations where I could have taken my normal route but decided to try something different and be the bigger person. Being the bigger person is a tough road to walk on. It requires you to put your pride aside and have a lot of patience. Not only patience, but understanding and empathy. Many situations can be easily resolved if people would only see it from the other persons point of view. Some very important relationships were mended by simply taking a different approach.