My first ever travel buddy... Rabbi!

I've made new travel buddies over the years, but I could never forget where I started and that is with Rabbi. Ironically enough, I met Rabbi 16 years ago while on vacation. My mom and I went on a ski trip with a few of her friends and their kids. All the kids went to play in the arcade after dinner. I played a few games and all of a sudden I looked across the room and something caught my eye. There she was, in the game with the crane, and at that moment I knew I had to have her. I tried several times to pick her up with no success. I started to run low on money and disappointment quickly took over me. A boy around my age must've been watching from a distance. He came up to me and asked if I wanted him to try to get it for me. With nothing to lose, I said yes and watched as his attempted with great hopes that his luck would be better than mine. I watched anxiously as the crane reached down. He grabbed Rabbi in one try! Rabbi and I have been inseparable ever since! Every long-distance trip I take she's right in my bag. In fact, she sleeps with me every night. Her passport is lit! 

People are usually curious when they see Rabbi's little head poking out of my purse, and some are even bold enough to ask questions. 

Most common questions I get asked about Rabbi:

1)    Why do you carry around your stuff rabbit?

Rabbi has become somewhat of a security blanket. I just feel more comfortable traveling with her especially when I’m traveling alone. She’s also a great cuddle buddy.

2)    Is it a boy or a girl?

That's a good question and you probably get a different answer if you asked me a few weeks from now 😂. I'd say over the years I've switched up the pronouns but most of the time Rabbi is a girl.

3)     How long have you had Rabbi?

I've had Rabbi since I was about 10 or 11.

4)     Don't you think you're too old to have a stuffed animal you travel with?

Not at all. I do what's comfortable for me and what I enjoy despite what others think.

5)     Have you ever accidentally left Rabbi somewhere?

As sad as it is to say, I have left Rabbi somewhere. Maybe 8 summers ago I had spent the summer at my brother’s house in Atlanta. I don't know how I managed to leave her but as soon as I got home I realized she was still there. My brother was awesome and express shipped her back to me and I got her the next day.

6)     What are you gonna do with Rabbi when you're married with children?

She'll still be there lol. She'll probably have a nice shelf with her name on it. 

7)     You have many nieces and nephews would you consider giving Rabbi up?

Nope! Rabbi is mine FOEVA! 😂

As promised, never seen before photos of Rabbi and I.

I was 20 in the first pic and about 14 in the second (yes the glow up was REAL😂). I used to get extremely tanned lol.